Song of Freedom

I am your God – I am your light,
Dress into unity – support unity,
I am your righteous shoulder,
I am your correct Divine Way.

Persecuted by the whole Cosmos,
Demons, ghosts and armies of undead,
I defeated millions of evil beings,
To offer salvtion to all.

I created myriad beings –
Countless cosmic bodies and stars,
My path guides the lost – back to Heavnes,
Do not miss this chance – that comes but once in a lifetime.

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Deviated Ways

Human society in turmoil,
Great Daos in hiding,
I alone teach Dakinis,
To prepare the Way.

Avalokitesvara transforming,
Traditional Buddhism dying,
One teacher, many schools,
All awaiting grand return.

Hope is found in simpler Ways,
People returning to kindness,
Dream of millennia fulfilled,
Ship reaching the other shore.

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Total Elimination

Old forces wanted to eliminate MindCœur,
Angels would weep, were they not dead,
My disciples – magnificent Divinities,
Won’t say a word at the end times.

Divine voice emanating from Heavens,
Penetrating all dimensions down to Earth,
Transcending the wisdom of Eons of dark kalpas,
Adamantine Gods mending the Cosmos – Creator’s children.

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New China

Repeating the old mistakes,
Building walls, closing itself off,
Controlled by communist thought,
Incapable to survive cultural exchange.

One human race, endlessly mixed by the currents,
Purity of life reflected on the Way back to Heavens,
Gods of new Cosmos are safeguarding wise light of Creation,
Progress of Creator’s Way cannot be barred by illusions of time.

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Culture Reborn

Promised land opened it’s arms to us,
Chosen nation accepted Chassidus,
Ancient Huaxia Hanren,
prepared the Way.

Messiah will live forever,
In the hearts of Gods,
Slavic tribes united,
Lead humankind.

Back to Tradition and Culture,
Virtues, Faith, free from Vice,
Pure hearts offering to all,
Simple Compassion.

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