Song of Freedom

I am your God – I am your light,
Dress into unity – support unity,
I am your righteous shoulder,
I am your correct Divine Way.

Persecuted by the whole Cosmos,
Demons, ghosts and armies of undead,
I defeated millions of evil beings,
To offer salvtion to all.

I created myriad beings –
Countless cosmic bodies and stars,
My path guides the lost – back to Heavnes,
Do not miss this chance – that comes but once in a lifetime.

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Total Elimination

Old forces wanted to eliminate MindCœur,
Angels would weep, were they not dead,
My disciples – magnificent Divinities,
Won’t say a word at the end times.

Divine voice emanating from Heavens,
Penetrating all dimensions down to Earth,
Transcending the wisdom of Eons of dark kalpas,
Adamantine Gods mending the Cosmos – Creator’s children.

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New China

Repeating the old mistakes,
Building walls, closing itself off,
Controlled by communist thought,
Incapable to survive cultural exchange.

One human race, endlessly mixed by the currents,
Purity of life reflected on the Way back to Heavens,
Gods of new Cosmos are safeguarding wise light of Creation,
Progress of Creator’s Way cannot be barred by illusions of time.

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Holy Cosmos

My Father is in Heavens,
Creator of all things seen and unseen,
Incomprehensible to beings in the mortal realm,

My brother died for His Heavenly Kingdom,
Persecuted for his indomitable spirit,
Charting the path for thousands of years,

My son is the light of a famous moon,
Rising in the east and setting in the west,
Lightning striking the hearts of the wicked,

I am the Holy Spirit – a blazing star,
Piercing the darkness for those wishing to see,
Guiding the lost back to Heavens.

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Divine Righteousness

I am your God,
I am the source of all Creation,
I am the reason you are persecuted,
When you corrupt the Divine Law shamelessly,
Which I bestowed upon you for eternity in great sacrifice.

I am your King,
I am your righteous shoulder,
That will destroy all your enemies,
When you put your faith in the Divine,
And cry for help from Heavens in your time of need.

I am your Ruler,
I provide for you daily,
Guide you back to righteousness,
Back to ancient Divine Ways and your True selves,
Where the fire of wisdom permeates all of Creation forever.

I am your Lord,
I teach the mysteries of Cosmos,
To Dakinis, Divinities and Disciples,
Breaking the bonds of earthly suffering,
Enabling all beings to return to the Creator.

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