Israeli Inspiration
I need sheqalim this year,
Global am echad,
Hashem guiding lost children.
I need sheqalim this year,
Global am echad,
Hashem guiding lost children.
Exterminate the Vices,
Eternal Dao,
Forever pure like diamond.
I had a lot of money,
Free and lighthearted,
Until I came to New York.
I want to go to New York –
Why does it not work?
More money of the same type!
Communism overthrown
New utopia
People still lost in a maze
Analisa proved nothing,
Boats on the great sea,
Attachemnents too strong – one falls.
Pretty face, grand ambitions,
Sharp mind, world is yours,
Piercing insight, rule them all.
Go out and clarify truth
First, dress like 大卫
Then, achieve Buddha level
Laws and hearts are corrupted
Thousands of hardships
World in disorder again