Total Elimination

Old forces wanted to eliminate MindCœur,
Angels would weep, were they not dead,
My disciples – magnificent Divinities,
Won’t say a word at the end times.

Divine voice emanating from Heavens,
Penetrating all dimensions down to Earth,
Transcending the wisdom of Eons of dark kalpas,
Adamantine Gods mending the Cosmos – Creator’s children.

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Esoteric Transmission

Hecuba the queen whore wears crown of thorns,
New Tang Dynasty on it’s knees,
Promises from prehistory broken forever,
Dreams and hopes destroyed.

Cosmic play forgives nobody,
New Ming’s eternal regret,
Revival of five thousands years of culture,
Appropriation of heritage of nations,

The hand that steered the Cosmic wheel,
Has no power left in it anymore,
Messiah once again reborn,
Saves all lives at the end times.

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